Brendan Mouatt is an Exercise Physiologist and researcher into chronic pain at The Body in Mind Research Group, UniSA. He is also a director at The Biomechanics clinical practice and an educator and director at The Knowledge Exchange.
Brendan explains that the way our society talks about pain is ingrained with a lot of tradition and belief that is quite dogmatic. His research into pain has led him to question many of these beliefs and challenge his own practice and understanding of pain. The most important aspect of this for Brendan is to translate research into effective treatments for his patients.
There are two aspects of my conversation with Brendan that I found hopeful and enlightening. First, he believes it is possible to heal from chronic pain, even if such pain has been experienced for decades and, secondly, he has an interesting and considered take on the saying “sitting is the new smoking” that might surprise you.
- The Biomechanics:
- The Kowledge Exchange: