How to Grow Your Confidence With Mind Coach, David Rahman


David Rahman


Let me introduce you to our guest, David Rahman.

This week, I have an enlightening discussion about self confidence with Mind Coach, David Rahman. David shares his story about his move from optometry to becoming a Life Coach, specialising in helping people feel comfortable in their own skin. David explains how our past impacts our future; the way we think is moulded by our past, by how our brain remembers and interprets things, our patterns of thinking affect our future and therefore, to change those patterns we need to examine the way we think. David talks us though how we can do this and gives some interesting practical tips aimed at growing our self confidence.

David has recently published his first book, “Let it Go: how to stop your past ruining your future”. The hard copy is not yet available in Australia but it can be purchased through the links below.


I hope that you enjoy this episode as much as I did making it, and don’t be shy, let me know what you think!

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