Tony Karoussis – Ninja Warrior


Tony Karoussis


Let me introduce you to our guest, Tony Karoussis.

Today’s podcast guest, Tony Karoussis, is a Ninja Warrior, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) purple belt, personal trainer and former engineer. Is there anything this Ninja can’t do?

Tony was drawn to martial arts after he left school and fell in love with BJJ. Apart from the obvious physical benefits of enhanced strength and fitness, one of the tenets Jiu-Jitsu is that it builds character and Tony attests to that. We chat about how BJJ has played a big part in who Tony is today – BJJ has taught him to think under pressure and to build his confidence.

Several years ago Tony became interested in Ninja Warrior. He has competed in numerous competitions – there are several Ninja leagues, not just the one we see on television. Tony and I chew the fat about what it takes to be a Ninja Warrior and how he trains for all the unexpected obstacles that can be throw his way.

For someone so young (looking from my perspective anyway), he is wise; Tony’s goal for 2020 is to have more fun. Hear what this looks like for Tony. How would you have more fun? I’d love to hear – you can contact me here:

I hope that you enjoy this episode as much as I did making it, and don’t be shy, let me know what you think!

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